Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Davie Day 2

This day begins as most with a walk down the street first thing in the morning to see what has happened over night, You never know what may have been out and about. Lots of things to sniff.

After breakfast it is time for another truck ride. This time we are going to the Horse Arena to watch Catja's person (from now on known as CP) ride her horse. Davie thinks this place isn't bad, a couple of people that looked a little suspicious but look the Arena Cat!!! Davie was fascinated by him and of course as only cats can he seemed to know Davie has a fascination with cats. We spent more time watching the cat than the horses in the arena. After visiting CP we where off to the Dog Gone Bakery to by some dog food and treats. As luck would have it there was no one in the DG Bakery except a really nice lady who loves herding dogs. She understood immediately that Davie was a little scared and quickly won his confidence with quiet words and goodies.

Next it was off to see if we could meet some Dog People at a local training centre. And guess what, there were some really nice people there and Davie got to play with a very pretty Sheltie girl. He liked that place. We were also told that there was an opening in a set of beginner classes and that we needed to go!! So I guess we start soon!!

I used to herd these now I sleeps on one!!
After that eventful day it was time for a rest:

After a well deserved rest we went over to Catja's to play in her snow tunnels. Davie was so funny, Catja could run on top of the snow so he leaped up to chase her and promptly sunk. He looked at me as much as to say WTF!! So Davie did the tunnels and Catja the banks.
Tunnel Man

Then it was time for a est so we went home. Davie says the treat man is there again, still not sure about him but I am getting better.

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