Saturday, February 19, 2011

Last two Days

Davie spent day 4 at home enjoying the peace and quiet. We thought he needed a break from new things and to just hang out. We did our normal walk down the street to check out what was happening in the neighborhood. Then we went over to Catja's for a run in the tunnels. This is their favorite game. Davie running the tunnels and Catja leaping from bank to bank over top of him. He settles down wonderfully in the house after their play.

On Friday ( Day 5)we spent time in the morning lying around with Danny. Davie has gone from having to be bribed to get up on the bed to jumping up on his own and lying between Danny and I. He relaxes and has a good snooze.

In the afternoon he went and stayed with Catja while I got my hair done. I am sure Davie is now wondering why I no longer look like either a skunk or a strange Border Collier since the white strip is gone. He was the perfect gentleman at CP's place. Two friends of CPs dropped in for coffee and he was a perfect gentleman. When I got there everyone was sitting around the table and he was quite content to lay on the floor and listen to the cackling, plus go and visit everyone and get a treat. He was even into letting everyone tickle him by placing his head on their lap. I am sooo proud of him.
Yummy bully sticks
He is becoming more accepting of Danny. He has been hand fed about half his supper then given the rest in his bowl. So small steps but they are all forward.

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